Sunday, August 20, 2017

yeah I did.

Sometimes you can just find yourself a comfy-ass couch somewhere on a hot lazy Sunday and watch the planes land at JFK.

Goddamn fuckin flowers around Brooklyn.

Monday, August 14, 2017

Williamsburg Brooklyn.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Fuckin Swans.

Fucking swans. Goddamn them, they're so majestic and resplendent. 
This is the lake at Prospect Park in Brooklyn. If you ever go, remember to bring bread or something to feed them. Because they're paying you back by just existing and being beautiful and all of a sudden two hours goes by because you're so enraptured with watching the swans.

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Fuckin flowers.
Summer Streets was today, Park Avenue is closed to cars from 72nd st all the way down to the Brooklyn Bridge so fuckin people can enjoy walking and biking.

If you missed it, you can do it next Saturday too.

Friday, August 11, 2017


There are still tiny pockets of Genius left to be found on the web. 

hi there.

pains in the goddamned ass.
I figure I'd spread a little of my patented curmudgeon around

Keep watering your weeds, you just never know what the hell might happen.